- A new alternative to replace the public option in the Senate bill emerged over the weekend — for the government to create a national health insurance plan similar to the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan.
- The plan would be administered by the Office of Personnel Management, which oversees the federal plan for members of Congress, and all of the insurance options would be not-for-profit ones offered by private companies.
- Currently, the Senate bill calls for a government-run insurance option with flexibility for states to opt out. Although it is not official yet, this alternative appears to be the front-runner to replace the public option.
- Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1209/30255.html
"CBO Looks Critically at Senate’s Health Insurance ‘Exchange’ Proposal"
- According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report, people buying health insurance through the Exchange would pay higher premiums for their plans than under current law.
- According to the report, the higher premiums are the result of the requirement that insurance companies offer a greater level of coverage in the plans they sell.
- However, new subsidies that would cover almost 60 percent of the premiums would offset the increased costs for more than half those purchasers.
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